Monday, December 22, 2008

Biggest Loser Fan

I am a big fan of the show Biggest Loser. Ironically, my sister and I usually watch it while eating a bag of chocolate. Anyways, I have been trying to lose some weight and I figured what better way to do it. For every pound I lose they will donate money to feed America, what better motivation? So if you want to join just click on the picture and you can get started. Yay for losing baby fat! (I got the Wii fit 2 weeks early so by Christmas my goal was to lose 6 pounds and I have already lost 5 yippee! I have to mention though that I was throwing up all day Thursday and hadn't had a real meal until Saturday...but hey I still lost it right? Now if I can just keep it that way....)

P.S. If you haven't looked at my blog lately keep's your Christmas card :)


Kayla Lindholm said...

I love that show too! My mom and I were hooked! I am so glad that Michelle won! Anyways! I got wii fit for my birthday in hopes of loosing weight and me and Tiffany did it every day and we really were slimming down....and then we stopped haha and i gained it all back! But i will loose weight with you! YAY!

Merry Christmas!