Sunday, April 19, 2009

I Love Baby Steals!

So for any of you moms who don't already know about this website, it is the coolest (yet most dangerous on the budget). It is called Everyday at 9 am they put up a new baby or mommy item that is a lot cheaper than usual. It's like 50-80% off. Amazing! I have bought some awesome things and just wanted to share it with you. Of course I have ulterior motives, they are having a contest where you can win $150. So feel free to post about it so you can win too! I hate to admit it but I have become quite addicted to it. Everyday at 9, no matter what I am doing, I race back to the computer so that I can beat everyone else to the steal. One time they even put a wrong price on an item and they still gave it to me for that price. I got an $80 blanket for under $20. It was a lucky day! Anyways, they really have great stuff so if your budget and husband are ok with it...then check it. (They are here in Utah but they ship stuff any where in the U.S.)